June 26th-July 2nd

Happy Canada day! We spent the day at Orwell corner and the kids had a blast. Afterwards we headed into town to watch a Mi’kmaq presentation, followed by an impromptu movie at Cineplex and fireworks at Victoria Park. The kids were exhausted but it was a nice kick off to Summer!

Busy week for Matt at work, and I’ve been slaving away trying to get this final term paper finished and handed in, so pretty low key on the homestead this week.


The green beans are being eaten alive by earwigs šŸ™ I stopped into Agro Co-Op to get some diatomaceous earth and was told that it’s flying off the shelf. So I guess at least I’m not the only one having that issue. I picked up some more seeds to fill in the spots that likely won’t recover from the damage. They actually had a really great selection of seeds still, so I picked some up for next year. I’m trying to increase our seed storage given inflation and all I don’t think it can hurt to have some extras around.


All of our layer chicks got moved onto grass now that the broiler chickens are gone. We’re happy to give them a new environment and since they’ll eat a lot of grass and bugs while outside our feed bill will be lessened.

Our chicken run isn’t complete yet, we’ve been too busy with other projects to focus on it, as a result we’re going to buy ourselves some time and move the layer flock onto the grass as well. We’ll need to amend one of the chicken tractors to have some perches and a layer box that we can access from the outside. We likely won’t get to this project this week, but will plan to have it complete next week.


The geese have laid a clutch of eggs! Completely out of character for them, they usually lay in February March and are done. Since we have a new gander with them we’re hopeful that they might be fertile, how exciting would it be to have baby goslings on the farm! The gander is being extremely protective and aggressive toward us, he’s always a bit of an ass hole but this is on a whole new level. Goslings take 28 days to hatch, so if fertile, we should have some hatching around the 18th of July, give or take a few days.