The Weekly Summary #9

July 31st-August 6th August is here.. With Henry having had an extra 3-4 weeks off it seems like Summer break is just dragging on. Sibyl has vocalized that she’s ready for Henry to go back to school several times now. The kids are enjoying the pool and are in it...

The Weekly Summary #8

It’s been a difficult couple weeks. Between high temperatures and lots of little set backs it’s all been rather discouraging. At times I feel like we’re closing in on our end goals and finishing all the major projects and then other times all I can...

The Weekly Summary #7

July 10th-16th Garden Our little garden looks phenomenal!! The eggplants and peppers in the greenhouse are abundant, still yet to harvest but there are so many growing with more blooms everyday. The melons in the greenhouse are in full bloom too, but I’ve yet to...

The Weekly Summary #6

July 3rd-9th Not much to report this week. We purchased a new premier one sheep fence off of Facebook marketplace. We now have 5 portable fences which we continue to use until we finish our permanent fencing. We often look to marketplace or kijiji, especially for...